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What to Expect After the Funeral

May 14th, 2020
What to Expect After the Funeral

The period between a person's death and their funeral can be fairly busy. Family members have to contact relatives, hire a funeral home, make arrangements, and handle the paperwork. All of these tasks require time and focus so the days pass by quickly. At Arbutus Funeral Service, we have noticed that the period after a funeral can also be very busy. Here’s a look at what you can expect:

1. Handling Urgent Financial Tasks

Urgent tasks can include paying hospital bills, filing insurance paperwork, paying utility bills, clearing the month’s rent, and other such responsibilities. Family members must go through the deceased individual’s bills to make sure everything is cleared as soon as possible. Most providers will offer some leeway in light of the tragedy, but it is important to clear dues quickly.

2. Paperwork

Family members must handle closing accounts, transferring funds, canceling subscriptions, informing credit card companies, informing landlords, and other such tasks immediately. Make sure you have the deceased individual's death certificate, identification, social security, and other such important documents on hand. Make several copies of these documents so you can submit all applications without delay.

3. Self-Care

The grief can strike you all responsibilities are taken care of. It's common for people to feel disconnected, lost, alone, and angry at this stage of grieving. Family members should practice self-care and give themselves some room to breathe. Talk to loved ones, look for distractions, support the more vulnerable members of your family, and don't neglect your health. This grieving period can last for months and can take a serious toll on your mental well-being, especially if you don’t have a strong support system.

Have any questions about cremation and related funeral services? Just contact us or give us a call (604) 888-9895. We at Arbutus Funeral Service will be happy to help.

We are here to guide you and can also help plan a funeral service or memorial service as required. Contact Arbutus Funeral Service with your requirements for more details about funerals and other related topics.