We honour prepaid funeral plans from other funeral providers. Please call 604-888-9895 for details.


What Goes Into the Expense of a Standard Funeral?

April 16th, 2018
What Goes Into the Expense of a Standard Funeral?

Funerals are a long process that involves a small group of professionals and a couple of different establishments. You need to hire a funeral director, reserve a place in a burial ground, need space for a funeral service or memorial, etc. All of these factors can cost money and most people don’t know how much. At Arbutus Funeral Service, we take time to explain all costs to clients. Here’s a brief breakdown of what’s involved:

Basic expenses

Most basic funeral expenses are usually included in funeral plans. Your service provider will charge a specific amount that includes the following services:

  • Planning by the funeral director
  • Cost of permits, notices, licenses, death certificates, and other required paperwork.
  • Storage of remains until the burial or cremation.
  • Arrangements with the crematory or cemetery.

Most funeral providers will charge a blanket rate for these services, but it’s a good idea to ask what’s included in a basic plan to ensure there are no hidden costs.

Optional expenses

These services can be arranged by hiring third-party vendors or through the funeral director. If you’re hiring through a funeral director, double-check the prices to ensure they’re reasonable. These expenses include:

  • Transporting the body
  • Embalming (necessary for open casket funeral services)
  • Transportation vehicles
  • Funeral or memorial services
  • Caskets or urns

Other costs include expenses of hiring pallbearers, clergy or celebrant, entertainment, decorations like flowers, etc. Most funeral homes will ask for a cash advance to pay for third-party services in advance. It’s a good idea to get a detailed quote including all expenses from your funeral director.

Have any questions about cremation and related funeral services, just contact us or give us a call (604) 888-9895. We at Arbutus Funeral Service will be happy to help.

We are here to guide you and can also help plan a funeral service or memorial service as required. Contact Arbutus Funeral Service with your requirements for more details about funerals and other related topics.