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How to Write an Obituary Notice

April 24th, 2018
How to Write an Obituary Notice

An obituary or a death notice is a formal announcement placed on local publications to inform people of someone’s passing. A death notice is short, practical, doesn’t require many details aside from funeral, memorial services, date of demise, and similar information. An obituary is a more personal, detailed piece. Many people struggle to write it and don’t know what they should or shouldn’t say. At Arbutus Funeral Service, we recommend the tips mentioned below:

1. What details are included?

Both obituaries and death notes provide basic information regarding the decedent. Aside from funeral/memorial service information, you need to include:

  • Date of birth
  • Age at the time of death
  • If married- marital information (‘wife of’ or ‘husband of’)
  • Place of birth
  • Location of demise
  • Funeral-related information
  • Full name
  • Where the person lived

It’s a good idea to discuss with family members before making a decision. That will ensure everyone is satisfied with the obituary.

2. Personal details

After listing down all facts, it’s time to add a more personal touch to a note. Bland facts won’t have much of an impact on people reading it. You want others to see how much the decedent has impacted everyone’s life. A good way to do this is to include small details about their hobbies, profession, passion, ambitions, sense of humour, etc. All of these personal details will add a new life to your obituary, showcasing just how special the decent truly was.

3. Collaborate with others

Instead of writing it on your own, ask other loved ones to contribute. This will add different perspectives to your note, making it unique. It’s a good idea to ask intimate relations of the decedent to write a sentence or two.

Have any questions about writing the obituary, on cremation, or related funeral services, just contact us or give us a call (604) 888-9895. We at Arbutus Funeral Service will be happy to help.

We are here to guide you and can also help plan a funeral service or memorial service as required. Contact Arbutus Funeral Service with your requirements for more details about funerals and other related topics.