
How A Celebrant Helps A Family Heal

June 23rd, 2020
How A Celebrant Helps A Family Heal

The loss of a loved one is always a difficult time for family members and friends. People experience grief, anger, helplessness, and hopelessness because a vital part of their support system is now gone forever. At Arbutus Funeral Service, we have seen how important spiritual and emotional support can be during this trying time. Many grieving individuals turn towards priests or other such religious authorities. People who don’t follow any religion can find comfort and support in a celebrant. Here’s a look at how a celebrant helps a family heal:

Celebrants Focus On Life

Celebrants don’t follow a set religious ritual and aren’t bound by the rules of an order. They plan a funeral based on the deceased’s personality, life, and family. They focus on celebrating achievements and highlighting good memories, helping families say their goodbyes peacefully.

Helping Those Without A Religious Connection

Religious connection can offer a great deal of solace during trying times. People who don’t have a spiritual connection need something just as potent to get them through their grief. Advice and support from a compassionate celebrant can go a long way to help families accept the loss.

Personalize A Funeral

A celebrant knows how to personalize a funeral and bring the deceased’s individuals personality to life. They will write a speech after consulting with family members and friends. Most take time to understand the deceased well before planning the funeral. These kinds of personalized ceremonies are very comforting and a great way to honor a loved one.

A great celebrant will also offer personal council to family members, listing to their grief and offering a shoulder to cry on.

Have any questions about celebrants or want to book funeral services? Just contact us or give us a call (604) 888-9895. We at Arbutus Funeral Service will be happy to help.

We are here to guide you and can also help plan a funeral service or memorial service as required. Contact Arbutus Funeral Service with your requirements for more details about funerals and other related topics.