
Helping Yourself Heal From Loss

July 24th, 2018
Helping Yourself Heal From Loss

Healing from a loss of someone you knew or someone you loved is a hard time in your life. Loss affects each person in a different way and not everyone can truly understand the depth of how you feel. Healing is somewhat a personal journey that only you can take. It requires commitment, effort and most of all space. At Arbutus Funeral Service, we encourage our families to take as much time as they need to get back to normal. Here are a few tips that can help:

Take A Break - People have many responsibilities like a job, taking care of one’s family, caring for their children etc. This doesn’t give you the time or space that they require to heal, which in turn increases stress. It is a good idea to give yourself some space and take a break whenever convenient. This will help you on your road to recovery.

Request For Help If Needed - People avoid asking for help as they may feel like they are being a burden to others. However, turning to friends in times of grief is a good way to heal. Friends, family members, and close relatives can comfort you in such stressful times.

Use Healthy Coping Mechanisms - Coping mechanisms are used to treat grief, stress and other things that might cause you to become unsettled. Alcohol is one of the most common process people use to drown their sorrows in, however, it compromises their health and also might result in behavioral changes. It's better to spend your time occupying your mind with better and healthier things like volunteering for charities, taking up art or starting dance lessons. These can help you in the process of healing.

If you have any questions about helping yourself heal from loss, just contact us or give us a call (604) 888-9895. We at Arbutus Funeral Service will be happy to help.

We are here to guide you and can also help plan a funeral service or memorial service as required. Contact Arbutus Funeral Service with your requirements for more details about funerals and other related topics.