Etiquette for Social Media Condolences

When the death of someone you know happens, it can be extremely difficult to know how to act towards those who are grieving. When it comes to social media etiquette, it’s important to say your peace but also to be respectful at the same time.
Don’t Make it Public
Make sure you are not the first one to write on someone’s wall about their loved one that passed away. You do not want to be the one to make this information public when not enough time has gone by and close family members aren’t aware of the situation. If your friend or loved one makes the announcement public, then it’s okay to make your comment publicly.
Offer Your Support
Those who are grieving will do it in their on way and in their own time. There is no one set schedule when it comes to grieving. A good way to offer your support is to private message them on social media to know you are there for them and periodically ask them if they need anything. You could even offer to make a dinner and drop it by. They may not want to be social but a short visit, message, text or email can go a long way.
Don’t Rush the Process
As mentioned before, grieving takes time. Your friend or loved one may need some time alone. Don’t be too aggressive with your messages or invites. Be sure to also not tell them to hurry up or get over it as this will seem insensitive. The grieving process can take months or years. Be patient and let them decide how long they want to mourn for.
If you have any questions about social media etiquette, offering condolences or related funeral services, just contact us or give us a call (604) 888-9895. We at Arbutus Funeral Service will be happy to help.
We are here to guide you and can also help plan a funeral service or memorial service as required. Contact Arbutus Funeral Service with your requirements for more details about funerals and other related topics.